Questions To Ask When Diagnosed With Ovarian Cancer?

Finding out that you have ovarian cancer is devastating. The impact of such news can be heartbreaking, frightening, and overwhelming. Knowing what to ask or where to go can be hard when your mind has many thoughts. During the initial consultations with your ovarian cancer specialist Bhubaneswar, there are a few things you and your support person should discuss. Taking care of all your bases will ensure you receive the best treatment available and can give you a sense of control. After learning you have ovarian cancer, some simple but crucial questions to ask are:

1. What sort of ovarian cancer do I have?

Doctors classify ovarian cancers based on the cell type they first developed from. Epithelial cell tumors (found in the outer layer of the ovaries), germ cell tumors (found in the ova or eggs), and stromal cell tumors (found in the hormone-producing connective tissues) are the main kinds of ovarian cancer.

2. Has it gotten to other areas of my body?

There are various factors to consider when treating ovarian cancer, such as whether or not it has gone beyond the ovaries. The term “stage” refers to how far along the illness is. Stage 4 ovarian cancer is the most advanced and has spread throughout the body.

Do you have any questions regarding this? Get in touch with an ovarian cancer specialist Bhubaneswar.

3. Which treatment choices do I have?

The best course of treatment for ovarian cancer depends on many factors, including the specific type and stage, the patient’s age, health status, and condition. Surgical removal (debulking) of the tumor or one or both ovaries is typically the first step in treatment. The surgeon may need to remove nearby structures, such as the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes if they are affected during surgery.

4. What happens to my fertility if I get treatment? 

Surgery to remove both ovaries, the uterus, or the fallopian tubes renders natural pregnancy impossible, although fertility preservation is an option for certain women with early-stage ovarian cancers. A woman of childbearing age should discuss the potential risks and benefits of cryopreservation and surrogacy with her doctor before undergoing treatment.

5. What are the side effects of this surgery?

You should also consider researching the potential adverse effects of surgery. When unsure, try asking queries like:

  • What are the risks?
  • How long will side effects last?
  • How will they be monitored during and after treatment?
  • How do I handle them?
  • Can I reduce or stop treatment if I have several side effects?

Additional questions to ask

After receiving a diagnosis, these are not the only questions you should discuss with your doctor. Here are some more things to ask the ovarian cancer specialist Bhubaneswar:

  • Which treatments do you recommend, and why?
  • What does my pathology report mean?
  • Can I get a second opinion?
  • How do I prepare for my treatment?
  • Will my therapy interfere with my daily activities?
  • Can I still work out if I’m undergoing treatment?
  • When undergoing therapy, should I alter my diet?
  • How can I help my mental health while undergoing therapy?
  • Can I benefit from taking part in a clinical trial?
  • Whom do I contact if it’s an emergency or it’s after hours?
  • How can I ensure my health throughout and after my treatment?
  • Can other members of my family be affected?
  • Where can my family and I find help if we need it?

What To Discuss With Your Doctor After Treatment

After your cancer treatment, you will discuss the next steps and follow-up care with your doctor. Some questions you might wish to ask your doctor are:

  • When will I start to feel better?
  • What kind of follow-up care should I expect?
  • If I need follow-up care, who should I see?
  • How can my cancer and its treatment affect my long-term health?
  • Is there a chance my cancer may return?
  • How can I improve my health?
  • What follow-up tests do I need once I finish treatment?
  • What documentation do I need to keep for my medical care?

How to Talk to Your Doctor Better

Although your doctor should make time to answer your concerns and explain your treatment options, you might not always get an answer right away. Follow these steps to have better conversations with your doctor:

  • Get your questions down on paper before you see the doctor. 
  • Bring a notepad or tape recorder. You can also use your phone’s recording features.
  • Tell your doctor if you need help with the discussed terminology or concepts.
  • Bring a friend or family member with you to the doctor’s office so they can take notes and ask questions.   


It can be hard to deal with ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer specialist Bhubaneswar can offer you reliable, secure, and scientifically proven methods of care to deal with the illness. The care and attention you receive will be of the greatest standard.

Dr. Ushashree Das is committed to being at your side through every stage of your healthcare journey, whether for routine checkups, concerns about reproductive health, or cancer treatment. To schedule an appointment, please contact us via our website or dialing 9701029846.

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